Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 22, 2009

Staycation Part II

We still had many more adventures during our staycation. I went to my first Ranger's game of the season and was interested in everything except the actual baseball game. I spent most of the game examining the screws on my seat. Then I'll never pass on ice cream. Mommy and Daddy said I was supposed to be sharing the ice cream with them. But if I keep the ice cream over here, they can't get any. :)

Once we started to head out, there were all these long, downward things that were so much fun. Mommy kept telling me to slow down.

Our next trip was to the Ft. Worth Zoo. I love my animals, so it was a blast. I could have watched the penguins all day.

I also got to ride my first carousel at the zoo.

I think my favorite part was getting to pet a hissssss (snake)!

I wasn't quite sure if I liked this part, but the birds were eating off my stick.

The Science Place was next on the agenda. I was learning all the cool things about air.

My favorite part was probably the water section. Don't I look cute!

Daddy was teaching me how to milk a cow.

I also am a pro at a computer.

Our last, actually a surprise part of the 2 weeks,was my first rodeo. I didn't really watch much of it, but I did get a pony ride. I loved to look at the horsies, but I wasn't too sure about riding them.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Memorial Day and Staycation Part One

I was all decked out for Memorial Day including my camo hat, shirt, and pants. We started the day with the service in Plano and I got to march in the Children's Parade. Then we went back to G-ma and Grandpa's house for swimming and hamburgers and hot dogs. Yummy!

Talk about first popsicle!

Then after Memorial Day, Daddy took 2 weeks off of work so we could take some day trips. Our first one was to Fossil Rim for the drive thru "safari". I was excited just to be out of my car seat!

I was also the official tour guide. See...

We saw lots of deer, ostriches, and zebras and I got to throw them food. But the most exciting and also maybe a little scary was we got to feed the giraffes out of our hands (well Mommy and Daddy's hands - they told me my hands were just too tiny!)

Halfway through the safari, we stopped and had snacks and went to the petting zoo. Here I am making friends with a goat!

Hanging out watching the animals.

I really liked the statues of the dinosaurs, they were so tall.

Here I am with a my-size giraffe - my souvenir from the safari.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Easter!

My very first Easter Egg hunt - at my weekly playgroup.

I also got to make Easter cookies, decorate them, and of course eat them!

Celebrating Easter with G-ma and Grandpa.

Easter morning - getting filled up on the treats inside the eggs.

The Easter Bunny brought me lots of stuff in my Easter basket, but also got me a sandbox! Unfortunately, it was sprinkling, so I had to wait till the next day to play in it.

Heading out for my 4th Easter Egg hunt this week. I'm a pro now.

Look at me go.

And finally, no more high chairs for me! Cousin Nate and I are big enough to eat Easter dinner at our own table.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm 1 1/2!

That's right I'm 18 months. My how time flies when you're having fun.
Here's some things I'm doing at 18 months:

- climbing on the couches, chairs, whatever I can find.
- starting to say more and more words.
- obessed with animals and Animal Planet, especially my monkey shows.
- started saying uh-oh when I want to be picked up. (Mommy thinks its strange since I've said up before, but its just that uh-oh is so much more fun to say!)

Look how long my little body has gotten.

I went to my first bull sale. There was a lot of mooing going on.

I climbed the gate to get a better look at the horsies.

I love going to the park.

Goofing around...

I still use my smile to my advantage. :)

Did someone lock me in?

Already filling Daddy's shoes.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

15 Months

Some things I'm doing at 15 months:
-running and climbing
-signing for all done, monkey, elephant, duck, and pig
-cooking orders in my restaurant
-loving on my cats (chasing them so I can rest my head on their body)
-reading and reading books
-playing marching band

I'm so proud, I can now get on the big chair.

I'm being silly, I'm inside a box!

I love to eat apples like a big boy.

I don't have to try hard to charm when I have this smile.

Exhausted after a long day of play.