Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, October 27, 2008

No Longer a Baby

Does this picture say it or what? My little baby is not a baby anymore.

This is such an exciting time to watch Kyle grow more and more independent as he becomes a toddler, but at the same time he's just growing up too fast! At times I just want him to slow down, so I can savor every last minute of the hugs and kisses he gives. He is a joy to watch grow and always surprises us with new games he invents and new faces to enjoy and laugh with. Our life is so wonderful, and who can complain about anything when they have the most perfect boy in their world.

Some things he's doing at the age of 1.
- Walking everywhere and sometimes running (to catch the cats).
- Loves to play peek-a-boo, chase, and hide-and-seek.
- Has said: Mama, Dada, blah (block), boooh (book), dut (duck), raba (rabbit), raffe (giraffe). However, he says none of these all the time, usually he will only say one if he thinks no one is paying attention.
- This may be because he seems to have no reason to talk, he is a very good non-verbal communicator. He points at everything, and I mean everything to get what he wants.
- He also seems to understand almost everything I say. Now whether he goes along with what I say is another story.
- He now has his "posse". Every morning when I go to get him up, He stands up, points to Teddy, I pick him up, points to Giraffe, I pick him up, points to Cow, I pick him up, then he points to his Blankie, I pick it up, then I'm allowed to pick Kyle up. Then he stretches his arms wide and then grabs and hugs tight his "posse". Same thing after each nap. I'll try to get a picture for a future post.
Enjoy these pics:

Mommy, I'm naked! Don't take a picture!

I love cruisin' in my car!


Mommy, I want a book.

I've got the remote. :)

Where did that squirrel go?

My two favorite people!

Playing soccer with Daddy.

Smiling for the camera.

I'll take this one.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yea!!! I'm one!

Open wide!

Picking up my favorite present from Mommy and Daddy. I still haven't let it out of my sight.

Opening my presents.

Trying on my army hat. I got lots of great presents at my party.

Getting ready to blow out my candles...sorry, no messy picture of me eating cake. I was actually pretty neat about it. But boy, was it yummy!